Dah engkau

hari-hari muka kau.
dan kau.

hari-hari muka aku.
dan aku.

hari-hari kita menghadap sesama sendiri.
kebahagiaan yang dicari.
ketenangan menjadi misi (poyo jap)

please, aku taknak hilang kau. dari pandangan mata aku.
dan aku harap kau mengharap benda yang same. okay ayat aku macam kel.

bila masing2 busy, bile berjumpe tu jangan la spend time
dengan bergaduh! time is gold. and precious you knoww??

i love you.

Senang citer

kalau dah bosan berlari
marilah kite berhenti.

Tak kisah

orang tak kisah
nak buat macam mane lagi

orang tak peduli
nak cakap macam mane lagi
ah. biarlah. takpe.
kalau dah itu pilihannya. 
haruskah kita menidakkannya?

malu itu indah
malu itu fitrah
janganlah menjadi orang yang langsung tak tahu malu
bergaul sebebas-bebasnya 
sesama lelaki dan perempuan itu bukanlah sepatutnye
akhlak seorang muslim
jagalah iman sesama sendiri.

Hurt. Enough.

just because i laugh a lot
doesn't mean my life is easy

just because i have a smile on my face everyday
doesn't mean that something is not bothering me

i just choose to move on
and not dwell on all the negatives in my life

every moment gives me the chance to renew a new
i choose to be that.

Bisikan rindu

kau hilang. aku cari
dalam kehibaan
dalam kesakitan
dalam kecelaruan.

bising di hati
senyap di mulut
susah nak suruh hati ni jadi penyenyap.
happy pun bising
sedih pun bising.

kau jangan hilang.
kalau kau hilang
aku takut terbiasakan diri.
tanpa kau.

jangan. jangan. dan jangan.
sesungguh sifat manusia pasti akan melupakan
sesuatu yg tidak mampu
untuk berada dalam hidupnya.


haha. ni kes dah takde keje
bila sambungkan muke
gini la jadi.

i miss us!

I need you, sayang.

muke memang buruk.
mate memang poyo.
lupe pakai ring. and farah tegur nape tak pakai. haha. sory sayang :D
buruk camne pun aku. luar dan dalam. (kalau dalam tu inshaAllah improve)

aku tetap kepunyaan farah natasha.

Tadah tangan

kenapa kalau baru bercinta
rasa cinta tu meluap-luap?
adakah kerna cinta baru berputik?

bila orang bayangkan cinta semekar bunga
bunga akan mekar
tapi sampai satu saat
akan layu
dan akhirnya gugur

adakah cinta yang mekar akan kekal selamanya?
tadah tangan
nikmat cinta yang diberi
bukan kau melupakan Dia
sedangkan Dia lah pemberi nikmat

ibarat kau mencipta robot
kau beri robot kau magic stick
dikurniakan akal walau tak setanding otak ciptaanNya
si kotak hebat itu lupa si pemasangnya
dia lupa engkau
kau tak terasa?

Boo. Cuk.


zaman sekarang. couple memang untuk clash.
zaman dulu. couple sampai kawen.

kau nak couple.

kau cari awek single.
kau nak couple.
kau jadi awek hot.

couple. before nikah.

tak best. 
tanpa jarak.
membezakan erti cinta. sayang. atau cinta mainan.
kalau kau rasa jarak
tak beri makna apa-apa
pergilah kau menuntut ilmu dinegeri china
tanpa sekalipun memikirkan keluarga di rumah.
tanpa rasa rindu.
tanpa rasa kerisauan.

yelah. tiada di sisi.
sape tak risau.

kau kalau nak couple.
dengan niat nak menunjuk kau ni ade market.
or sekadar nak lepaskan nafsu syahwat kau heret anak org
kehulur kehilir
adalah lebih baik kau tukar niat kau

dari couple terus menikah.

Kalau benar kau cinta aku, kau mesti mencintai ibu bapaku, dan kau pasti mencintai Penciptaku. :)


aku termenung.
hati terperosok jauh
dalam angan kosong
bila kenang kisah lama
bertitih satu demi satu
memori indah.
yang terpalit di hati.

cuba menjelajah hutan rimba dalam kotak fikiran
mencari pokok untuk berteduh
buah yang gugur
menjadi kegilaan si miskin yang mencari makanan

tak usah menjahit benang
pada luka
kerana bukan benang
yang menjadi penyembuh.

you are that 'love'.

the moonlight envelops my tears 
my tears fall in the warm wind 
do you feel it ? 

i draw you on this paper 
the warm smile hold me in this love 
when i close my eyes, i see only you 
do you know it? 

i'm walking in my memories 
and my tears continue to fall 
but, what should i do? 

please look at me, like the faraway moon 
can you be the one that's in my heart 

i'll be waiting for you 
i don't want continues my cry anymore 
because you let me know 
this love like a lie 
but, i'll never let it go 
cause that love is you 



speda (basikal).

tak kisah la naik ape pun dengan awak.
sy tak kisah.
as long as
sy bersama awak.
hehe :)

takde motif pun gambar ni.

just viewnye.
wat jiwe gua



terkadang suka
terkadang duka
terkadang hampa
terkadang kecewa
terkadang rindu
terkadang memerlukan
terkadang terkadang terkadang.

no such thing.
i just need you.
enough said.

me . love . you

I miss you.

Battle of the Heart

bila hati dah jadi heartless
ape yg orang buat kat aku pun pun
aku rasa macam

so what?    

buatlah ape kau nak buat
asalkan kau bahagia
even ape yang kau buat tu
menyakitkan aku.

Hembusan Bayu Rindu

genap setahun pemergiaanmu
masih lagi tersisa kesakitan di hatiku
hanya yg Maha Penyayang tahu betapa
hati ku dirobek-robek
hati ku dicincang-cincang
hati ku dikelar-kelar
setelah diriku diracun bisa
bisa yang tak pernah dibayangi akalku

bisa yang hampir saja membunuh diriku
membunuh jiwaku
membunuh perasaanku
menerima kehilangan dirimu dalam hidupku
dalam hariku
sungguh perit perasaan ini

walaupun mama tak tahu sejauh mana sayangnya iz kat mama
ku mohon
jangan kau jauhkan dirimu wahai bonda tercinta
hadirlah dirimu dalam bayangan halusinasi ku
hadirlah dirimu dalam mimpiku
aku amat merinduimu
diri ini amat menyintaimu
iz terlalu sayangkan mama
setiap masa iz bersendirian
rasa sebak menghantui
memikirkan nasib
diriku tanpa dirimu

sungguh besar cabaran ini
sungguh berat dugaan ini
bagaimana aku harus menerima kehilangan 
insan yg sentiasa memberi semangat pada diriku
insan yg memeluk tubuhku tatkala diriku kesedihan
insan yg menyuapkan makanan ke mulutku ketika aku kelaparan
insan yg memberikan kesenangan padaku tatkala aku keresahan
mama pergi tinggalkan iz dalam iz mengejar kebahagiaan
kebahagiaan untuk mama
untuk papa
dan untuk iz sendiri.

menitik air mate waktu tulis post ni. redha. redha. please! iz janji iz wat yg terbaik. nanti kite jumpe kat sana ye mama. iz tau mama bahagia kat sane. ade satu tubuh berpakaian serba putih yg bernama Al-Quran temankan mama. cahayanya menerangi tempat tidurmu, mama

i love you
i miss you
i really miss miss miss you


Antara Battery dan Spa

battery phone.
kalau battery takde.
phone takde function.
tak dapat texting. bbm. call.
memang memerlukan satu komunikasi dua hala
yg sangat power.
orang takkan tahan
kalau berada dalam keadaan salah faham
dan tak berpeluang untuk berkomunikasi
kalau salah satu side lemah.
maka goyahlah perhubungan tersebut
musnahlah kebahagiaan.

kalau tak pegi spa
badan sakit-sakit
tak sihat
sengal-sengal badan
kalau sakit badan
tak bahagia la kehidupan kita.

antara  battery    dan    spa

mane lagi penting?


by the way,
aku nak cakap sikit.

bukan senang nak buat someone tu berjarak dalam hati kita
kecuali dengan izin

last before fly

aby nak cakap
yg aby sayang sangat ayg
aby rindu sangat ayg
n. I love you so much

maafkan aby.
sebab banyak gila sakitkan ayg
aby banyak sangat buat ayang terasa
aby teruk kan?
aby cube nak jadi terbaik utk ayg
maybe perubahan ni buatkan aby ni tak seperti yg syg sangka.
baik. gojes. awesome. n semua lah.
love you so much.
I'm crying.
sebab aby rindu sangat sayang.
aby x leh bayang camne terpisah utk 12 jam je ngan ayg.
for seriously maybe aby pengsan kat atas sane.
tak pun mulut berbuih.
sekarang ni pun dah cam ape.

doakan aby selamat pulang.
I love you :')




missing my other half.

orang lupa

teringat haritu.
time dia bagitau pasal dua orang jejaka A.

memang sakit.
sebab after beberapa hari baru dia gitau.
katanya. mood swing maybe sebab tu.
sebab takut nak bagitau.
alooo sayang. baby x makan sayang lah :')
aku berjaya. telan kepahitan yg ku rasa.
tak simpan perasaan marah. sakit.
aku berjaya. merendahkan keegoaan aku serendah tapak kaki aku mencecah tanah.

kalau dia marah
dia akan mintak space.
kalau dia sakit.
dia akan mintak space.
antara "fariz" tu dia nak space just like "far      iz"

aku yg memandang. rasa awkward.
cukuplah jarak yang zahir ni.

aku x nak berjarak dalam hati.


tak pernah aku marah orang berkawan dengan dia.
kawan lah.

farah tau.
kalau aku jealous.
aku mengadu kat dia yg aku jeles
aku nak dia tau yg aku jeles.

jarang sangat aku buat hal.
tarik muka.

sape je pernah kena marah ngan aku kalau nak kawan ngan farah?

kite saksikan

aku nak fly jap.
flight 12 jam weiii. kematu bontot aku. 
set timing for blog ni.
meh same2 kite tengok.
tahap kerinduan farah natasha
tengku izfarouq qhaier.

pasni aku dah balik umah.
nak scroll tweet die.
berapa banyak.
or sejauh mana.
dia menzahirkan kerinduan dia.

satu masa dulu.
kalau dia rindu aku.
tu la tempat dia luah.


twitter ni kadang2 boleh membunuh.
bukan setakat twitter lah.
facebook pun.

kita jangan expect semua orang tu sama.
jangan ingat orang tu sama perangai ngan kita.
boleh ngam ngan semua kehendak kita. 
kalau semua sama je perangai
tak best la life. kan?

ape perasaan kau
kalau orang lain 
lelaki la for sure
nak DM awek kau depan mate kau?
bohong x jeles.

aku jeles. tapi dia x tau
aku perhati. tapi dia x tau.

ape perasaan kau
kalau orang lain tweet
berbalas komen dengan awek kau
sambil gelak2
sedangkan time tu korang ngan war world 3!
aku dgn farah takde la camtu. kan.
tapi aku pelik jugak
kalau kau tengah gaduh ngan awek or pakwe
camne ade perasaan nak bergelak2 tu?
tak rasa partner kau kecil hati ke?
masalah sini belum settle
kau dah gelak2 kat sana?

kalau dia mampu nak buat camtu kat korang.
 kau kena sedar. kebahagiaan partner kau tu.
masih bukan 100%
terletak pada kau.

nasib baik farah. bukan camni :')


aku rase teruk sgt
sbb dah berapa minggu dah dia x sihat
aku cuba nak elak dia nangis.
or sedih.
sebab kitorang. tapi x sure usaha aku tu menjadi ke tak.
aku rase dah berapa minggu aku elak tacing or marah2.
kesian farah. 
emo x stabil sokmo.
demam lagi. x sihat.
takpe. aby faham ayg. sebab tu ayg tacing2 pun aby layan.
kalau x demam pun aby layan jugak. bacennnn cennnn!
aku tak pernah tinggalkan kau kan farah? *kesat air mata*
whatever pun. aku. still. berdiri sebelah dia.
so dia boleh buat pilihan.
nak peluk
or nak tumbuk?

disebabkan sayang sangat kat dia tu
aku rasa sometimes dia perlukan ruang dan masa
and maybe someone
untuk bahagiakan dia. tapi malangnya
time aku nak bagi semua tu kat dia
nak bagi
peluang mencari someone utk happykan dia
aku x mampu. jealous tu satu hal.
aku tak rase ade orang lain nak replace aku
dah aku je sayang sangat kat dia
boleh pakai tak teori aku? -.-

I really love her. too much!

sy rindukan

perasaan cinta ini
ialah cinta
sebagai sahabat
sebagai teman
sebagai kekasih
dan sebagai keluarga.

menerima kekurangan. bukanlah satu perkara yang mudah.
menerima kekhilafan. bukanlah satu perkara yang senang.
kita manusia.
tak semua apa yg kita buat tu betul. kan?
kena muhasabah diri sendiri.
kalau nak marah.
kalau nak tarik muka.
ingat dulu mungkin satu ketika dulu kau pernah buat perkara yg sama.
dengan orang lain.
life is fair.
kalau dah kena tepek kat muka kau.
kena lah terima dengan hati yang terbuka.

petang ni
dia takde mood nak cakap ngan aku
even x wish I love you. or good night.
as usual
aku x nak merungut
and takde niat nak merungut sekarang.
as long as aku dapat dengar suara dia
walaupun dia diam.
dia angkat call, cakap nak x nak pun takpe
dia buat macam tu pun
tenang sikit hati

I don't know
I just love her.
and aku taknak
merosakkan saat2 manis aku.
dan dia.

cz I really miss
my Farah Natasha.

our song :')

When I look into your eyes
It's like watching the night sky
Or a beautiful sunrise
There's so much they hold
And just like them old stars
I see that you've come so far
To be right where you are
How old is your soul?

I won't give up on us
Even if the skies get rough
I'm giving you all my love
I'm still looking up

And when you're needing your space
To do some navigating
I'll be here patiently waiting
To see what you find

'Cause even the stars they burn
Some even fall to the earth
We've got a lot to learn
God knows we're worth it
No: I won't give up

I don't wanna be someone who walks away so easily
I'm here to stay and make the difference that I can make
Our differences they do a lot to teach us how to use
The tools and gifts we got, yeah, we got a lot at stake
And in the end, you're still my friend at least we did intend
For us to work we didn't break, we didn't burn
We had to learn how to bend without the world caving in
I had to learn what I've got, and what I'm not, and who I am

I won't give up on us
Even if the skies get rough
I'm giving you all my love
I'm still looking up, still looking up.

I won't give up on us (no I'm not giving up)
God knows I'm tough enough (I am tough, I am loved)
We've got a lot to learn (we're alive, we are loved)
God knows we're worth it (and we're worth it)

I won't give up on us
Even if the skies get rough
I'm giving you all my love
I'm still looking up

I love you


kalau aku pergi.
tak kembali.
ade tak orang yg ingat aku?

dia ingat aku tak?

Mama. I need you

maafkan sy kalau sy banyak menyakiti awak.
maafkan sy kalau sy banyak menyusahkan awak.
maafkan jika kelakuan sy banyak mengguris hati awak.

I just need
a mum.
sy rindu mama
sy rindu kasih sayang seorang ibu
sy x mintak tu semua
x mintak orang2 keliling menyayangi sy
tapi Allah menyayangi sy
takde niat lain
melainkan hubungan antara seorang ibu dan anak
ade kaitan ngan orang lain?

sy takde kaitan ngan 'orang lain'
yg awak pikirkan tu.


both of us
me and Farah Natasha
are in Long Distance Relationship
yeah. too long  I guess
14,636.8 km.

I know her since last years
but to have the courage to chew out is not easy. haha
as we are not in contact at that time
I don't have her phone number
I chose to add her in her facebook
so this is my first ever moment
we start off our love story

4 March 2012
she came exactly a month after my mother was gone; 4 February 2012

starts from 4 March 2012
my whole life changed in a blink of an eye

u know what?
Allah knows what is the best for me
because Allah loves me more than I love my self. 

this is the first moment
she regarded me as her prince.
"a prince never leave his princess"
see the last chat
she seemed speechless

our first song
Jet Lag

Farah, my life is going to continue to change
but who I live for never will. For papa, mama and YOU. :')

This Love

my first love card for her.

I made this card a week before I propose her to be my partner
well. to send a parcel from England to Malaysia
will take about a week of time
so to make sure this card reach her
by the day I want to pop the question of
"will you be my partner?"
so I decide I should make
an early preparation. hehe

thanks sayang
for giving me a chance 
to see this card
once again.
i really miss those days
my dear

my baby 
when she was 4 years old.
so cute meyhh


she is mine!

My second love.

when I'm older and my daughter asks who my first love was
I dont want to have to pull out the old photo album. 
I want to be able to point out across the room and say

 'she's sitting right over there'.

farah & lil boy, akif
both of them are so damn cute, isn't it?

My little spongebob.

 the fish said, 'I can't see my tears because I am in the water'
the water said, ' My dear, I can feel your tears because you are in my heart"

somebody in my heart

sun and moon 
dance and sing
‘time will heal’, ‘time will heal’

heart tells another thing
‘love once a friend, as a foe will sting’

and never be the truth known
how beautiful a love, pure and rare,
from two souls conceived and grown,
burned in flames of despair


yeah. people think a soul mate is your perfect fit, and that's what everyone wants. but a true soul mate is a mirror, the person who shows you everything that is holding you back, the person who brings you to your own attention so you can change your life. 

a true soul mate is probably the most important person you'll ever meet, because they tear down your walls and smack you awake. but to live with a soul mate forever? nah. too painful. soul mates, they come into your life just to reveal another layer of yourself to you, and then leave. 

a soul mates purpose is to shake you up, tear apart your ego a little bit, show you your obstacles and addictions, break your heart open so new light can get in, make you so desperate and out of control that you have to transform your life, then introduce you to your spiritual master.

after all. not all of us can do great things. but we can do small things with great love.

febby | she's my true soul mate | farah natasha


the only person that will always have my back 
she will always put a smile on my face 
she's my best partner in this world 
i love you

Farah Natasha Artwork

The letter Q looks annoying. Haha

I love you more sayang  ♥

This cake is made by her during dis year Eid.
I love you. Thanks. Sedapppp! Hehe

Can I consider this as art too? Hehe

While studying ~

"iz -----> nama baby in my phonetic book!  ♥"


Be mine, please?

Farah Natasha's.
Me :D
well, I used her name as my BBM profile name
and she used my name as her BBM profile name
including our default picture.
Thank you, dear 

My name?

TIQ - Tengku Izfarouq Qhaier. Oyeah, that's me!
and I'm hers ;)

Happy 5 Month dear!

by Farah Natasha . 12/9/12

Miss you Farah!

The other half is mine.

My childhood memory

our BBM contacts profile ;)

farah + que - farque's : me
natasha + que - natque's : her

Blissful :D

thank you dear ;)

Hye, I'm Izfarouq's

My Otherhalf

hai sweetheart. what've u done to your class whiteboard?
sweet criminal?
miss you

True friend.

today I got a text from my ex schoolmate.

"assalamualaikum..hari2 berlalu..tentunya disisimu dikelilingi teman2 yg lebih baik dariku..namun ketahuilah..dirimu x pernah ak lupa n ape yg ak ade hanyalah satu hati yg mendoakan moga dirimu gembira selalu (^_^)"


it is better than NO ONE pray for you. Alhamdulillah. :) 
u know what? we get what we give. 


every teardrop is precious so better make sure that if you drop some, it’s worth crying for you can never pick them up and put them back to your eyes. you need to learn appreciating the rainbow after cursing the rain. it’s just like loving again after experiencing the pain. and you should ever expect love to always be at its best cause if you do, you’ll never learn to appreciate its existence.

love doesn’t count on the laughter that you shared 
on the pain and tears you tried to get over with 
just for the sake 
of holding on


ehem2. jealousy in a relationship is actually quite normal. for me. as it is a sign that i love her so much. natural sign. haha. a little jealousy is one way of showing how much we love our significant other. but on the other hand, too much jealousy signifies a lack of trust in our partner and may break up a happy union. 

Shall we?


insyaAllah. I will catch you someday.

Is it considers as love?

love doesn't lie, but people do. 
love doesn't leave but people do. 
love don't hurt you, people will.

14 rules of Gentleman.

#1 run with her on the beach. hmm. pantai lido maybe? hehe
#2 give her my sweater when she is cold. my pink sweater? jyeah
#3 never talk about other girls in front of her.
#4 learn to play guitar for her? haha. luckily I know how to play guitar.
#5 comfort her when she is scared.
#6 watch the sunset with her. insyaAllah.
#7 if she can't sleep, read her a bedtime story.
#8 if I get in a fight with her and she starts crying, just stop and hold her.
#9 never force her to do ANYTHING.
#10 call her beautiful, especially when she least expects it.
#11 never let her to walk home alone.
#12 always make the first move.
#13 never lie to her, she'll find out.
#14 kiss her when she is sleeping. Manje kededek.

King vs Queen

every man needs a women when his life's a mess, because just like the game of chess. 
the queen protects the king.
i need you. all the time.

Making memories of us.

speak the language in a voice that you have never heard
I wanna sleep with you forever
and I wanna die in your arms
in a cabin by a meadow where the wild bees swarm

and I'm gonna love you like nobody loves you
and I'll earn your trust making memories of us

I wanna honor your mama
I wanna learn from your ayah
I wanna steal your attention like a bad outlaw
I wanna stand out in a crowd for you
a man among men
I wanna make your world better than it's ever been

we'll follow the rainbow
wherever the four winds blow
and there'll be a new day
coming your way
I'm gonna be here for you from now on
this you know somehow
you've been stretched to the limits but it's alright now
and I'm gonna make you a promise
if there's life after this
I'm gonna be there to meet you with a warm, wet kiss. hehe

I wanna be the Halal ones for you.

Long Distance Relationship

how's it going?
I hear, it's wonderful
in Malaysia. haha
I've been missing you and it's true

tonight, I'm gonna fly
cause I could go across the world
and see everything and never be satisfied
if I couldn't see those eyes
my dear, it's been a long time
since my phone's rung
and you've been on that line
I've been missing you my sweetie.

tenenenene *angel is flying*

My everything.

Model? Sexy? Perfect body?

no thanks. I prefer to choose the simplest ones.

I just realized this for some reason.
I love you. not because you are pretty. I love you. I love you. because I love you
I dunno how to explain it

You make me so happy.

the happiest I’ve ever been, actually. when I first met you, I was scared of what I felt for you. but I’m really happy with how far we’ve come. for once, I feel like someone knows me inside and out and accepts me for all that I am. I always wanted something like this in my life but I didn’t know it’d happen out of nowhere. I’m so lucky to have met you. I hope you know that not a second goes by where I don’t think of you.

you are what completes my life and makes it worth it, Farah Natasha.

My otherhalf.


Isn't it?

when a girl is acting like she doesn’t care about you anymore, that’s when she needs you the most.


I like being with someone that's funny. I'm not saying that I hate people who aren't funny, but it does make the relationship come alive. it makes it more fun and it makes me want to be with that person even more. I like being with someone that's funny and someone that's fun. but then naturally lah. hehe. I want to be able to joke around with her, laugh at her jokes and in the end, just realize she is mine and she is the only one I can fully be myself around.


someone who's not ashamed to be with me. that's the one who I wanna be with. someone who doesn't give a fuck about what other people have to say or think about us. someone who would be proud to be with me instead of hiding me to other people. hehe

i miss you :)

i love you just the way you are, don't ever change. please?

Well said.

"The worst feeling isn't being lonely. It's being forgotten by someone you can never forget"

and all you can do is stand there and take it like a man
cause bitching n whining won't do you shit.
luckly, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger so after it's done 
and yes it will be done soon if not now. hehe.
you'll be a stronger person ready to tackle the world again.

I'm serious.

Can I be that one person?

the one that’s constantly on your mind. 
that one person you would always reply fast to. 
the one your friends hear about every day of their lives. 
the one you check up on every now and then just to see how his day is going. 
the one that makes your day, the one you’d anything for. 
the one you smile non stop about. 
the one you can be your complete self around. 
the person you love more than anything

I pray. I can be. That one person. Ameen.

How to love a woman.

“You may not be her first, her last, or her only. She loved before she may love again. But if she loves you now, what else matters? She’s not perfect - you aren’t either, and the two of you may never be perfect together but if she can make you laugh, cause you to think twice, and admit to being human and making mistakes, hold onto her and give her the most you can. She may not be thinking about you every second of the day, but she will give you a part of her that she knows you can break - her heart. So don’t hurt her, don’t change her, don’t analyze and don’t expect more than she can give. Smile when she makes you happy, let her know when she makes you mad, and miss her when she’s not there" -Bob Marley 

Cute Break Up.

I found this dialog in one of the status at fb. sorry for copy-ing! hehe

Boy: I can’t believe you’re breaking up with me.
Girl: Isn’t this what you wanted?
Boy: Why the fuck would I want this?
Girl: You don’t care.
Boy: How do you know?
Girl: …
Boy: We were supposed to be forever. I’m not letting that go. I made you a promise.
Girl: Some promises are meant to be broken.
Boy: Forever to most people is impossible. I know we can make it possible. Forever you and me, forever us, forever together. I’m never leaving your side. I care about you more than anything else. I love you.
Girl: I love you too.
Boy: Then why won’t you stay with me?
Girl: I will.
Boy: What?
Girl: I was expecting you to walk away like all the others. But you said exactly what I’ve always wanted someone to say to me. You care for me, and you keep your promises. I couldn’t ask for more. I don’t even know what to say, but that I-
Boy: I love you too.
Girl: :)

I am jealous!

sometimes it takes a little bit of jealousy for you to figure out how much someone really means to you.
for me. and to me. actually.

"hei. don't touch her! I won't allow you to come anywhere near her!!!"

I love you.

if I ignore u, don't ignore me back. try and get my attention.
if I brush away your hand as you try to hold it, grab it and lemme know you really care
don't just give up
if I seem like I'm doubting you and us
reassure me that this is just one out of a million obstacles
we're going to go through in this relationship
don't act all depresses and beat yourself up about it
if you get the feeling that I want to leave you
don't just sit back and watch me
don't say "you can leave me if you want to"
fight for me.
tell me how much u want me to stay
I'm just an ordinary boy.
and I need to feel needed sometimes.

could u please understand me sayang? 


don’t you hate it when people break their promises? at the beginning of every relationship, I bet that they tell you that they’ll always be there for you no matter what. and that they’ll always be in your life, right? but now look. where are they? probably out of your life and with someone else.

ha, promises were only meant to be broken. just like hearts

You're so cute.

I mean like just not your looks are cute but your personality too. the things you say are cute. your voice is so cute. your smile is so cute. how you talk to me is so cute. I like talking to you. I really really like it. I like how I can tease you when we are on the phone. I miss the moment. even though you can be really weird sometimes. haha. I still like that. I like you and just you. I love you.

Farah Natasha Kamaludin

Scariest Thing Ever. Maybe?

well, it's scary to find someone that makes you happy. you start giving them all of your attention because they’re what makes you forget everything bad that’s going on in your life. they’re the first person you want to talk to in the morning and the last one before you sleep just so you can start and end your day with a smile. it all sounds great to have that someone, but it’s scary to think about how easily they could just leave and take that happiness away too when they go.

so please dear.
don't leave me. i need you.


I want to sleep with you.
I don’t mean have sex.
I mean sleep. Together.
under my blankets, in my bed.
with my arm wrapped around you.
and your hand across my chest.
with the window cracked.
so it’s chilly and we have to cuddle closer.
no talking.
just laying down, without a saying a word.
because I’d rather stay home than go out.
as we sleep the night away.

I love you :)

Someone Told Me.

I am told that our lives are not worth much,
they pass in an instant as roses fade.
I was told that time slipping is a perversion for our griefs he makes coats
however someone told me
that you still love me,
he is someone who told me that you still loved me.
is that still possible?

I am told that fate makes fun of us
He gives us nothing and promises everything that we
It seems that happiness is at hand,
so we reach out and find madness
yet someone told me

but that is what I was told that you still love me?
I do not remember it was late at night,
I still hear the voice, but I see the face
"She loves you, it's secret, do not tell she have said"

you see, someone told me.

that you still love me, you told me we really said
that you still loved me no matter what happened
so would that be possible?


A Picture Has A Thousand Meaning.

don't u think so?


the feeling that cannot be described.
being far away from kindred.
i have a stoic soul.
to be preserved.


I pray that she will be mine.
I pray that our relationship is blessed by Allah.
I pray if I can't be hers in this world
Let us meet in Jannah.

Farah Natasha Kamaludin.


i suffered from memory lost. kind of.
and guess what
bcz of that incident or accident or sowhatever
i forgot my previous blog's password.
damn. tersentap tak sudah.